

We have curated resources that describe living with Dyspraxia/DCD. Most were created in the United Kingdom where there is much more awareness of neurodiversity than in the United States. Dyspraxia DCD America hopes to change that. Stay tuned!!




Watch me do it Video LIbrary

Manchester Metropolitan University in the UK created a free video library to help children with Dyspraxia/DCD learn tasks like cutting with scissors, zipping, and tying shoelaces! Research shows that watching demonstrations that MATCH WHAT THEY SEE when performing daily tasks helps them learn these skills.


Suggested Reading: Articles

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Suggested Reading: Books


By Paul Ellis, Amanda Kirby, Abby Osborne (2023)

By Gill Dixon and Lois M. Addy (2013)
The authors help teachers and other education professionals to better understand the needs of a dyspraxic child.

Christine Macintyre (2009)
In this book the children themselves, along with their parents and teachers, talk about how the difficulties change as the transition is made from primary to secondary school.

By Dorian Yeo (2008)
Written by a teacher with many years’ experience of teaching mathematics to primary school dyslexic and dyspraxic children with a wide range of abilities, this book is designed to be a practical teaching guide.

Amanda kirby and Lynne Peters (2007)
Lists cover the entire school age range and range from developing fine and gross motor skills to preparing children for their next transition either to the next stage of schooling or for their future careers.

By Kate Ripley, Bob Daines and Jenny Barrett (1997)
The difficulties which may face the dyspraxic child at home and at school are described with strategies for managing their difficulties.

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